Planting Alabama

Almost five million people call Alabama home, but approximately three million do not have a church to call their spiritual home. “It’s sad,” said State Missionary Lamar Duke, lead church […]
Church Plants Ministering to Large Unreached Sector of Alabama

Last year Lamar Duke was asked to pull together some numbers for a report. He did — and when he finished he sat at his desk and wept. “Since 2013 we’ve planted […]
Alabama Church Planters Network Dinner Focuses on Maximizing God-Given Abilities

Some prayed silently, some raised their hands and sang along quietly, but everyone worshipped. As the worship team from New Beginnings Fellowship, Trussville, played, those at the Alabama Church Planters […]
Week of Prayer Sees Boom in Church Plants

Lamar Duke says that if he could have every week go the way the Myers-Mallory Week of Prayer for State Missions went this year, he’d be dancing for joy. “That […]
Samford MTI offers online certificates in church planting, disciple making

The Samford University Ministry Training Institute (MTI) has new online certificates in church planting and disciple making designed to help pastors, staff members and laypeople further develop their leadership skills […]
How One Associational Missionary Assisted with Church Planting in His Association

Terry Long, who serves the Choctaw Baptist Association, shared with me several months ago that he was burdened about the need for an African-American church plant in his area. After […]
Alabama Church Planter Network Dinner

Church planters and wives or anyone interested in planting are invited to this event. Childcare will be provided. Our Speaker: Kenny Grant was born and raised in Brunswick, Ga. He […]
Church Planters’ Network Dinner
It is not too early to make your reservations for a gathering of Alabama church planting “types” at the Alabama Church Planters’ Network Dinner on Sunday, November 12, 2017, 4:30-8:30 […]
What Does Church Planting Have To Do With You And Your Church?
There is a lot of talk about church planting across the Southern Baptist Convention landscape. Did you ever wonder what all this has to do with you and your church? […]
The Adopt-A-Planter Plan
The Adopt-A-Planter plan is a good way to support church planters in Alabama and beyond. The purpose is to provide encouragement and prayer support for planters and their families. Select […]