Praying for Church Planters in Alabama

Prayer is a vital part of the spiritual engagement church planters must face as they engage new communities with the gospel, disciple new believers and gather believers in a new […]
Focusing Our Many Passions Into a Christ-Centered Desire to Plant

Years ago, while I served as a student missionary in Ecuador, I had a summer missionary in our ministry participate in an interview with Rachel Saint. She, along with others, […]
Church Planting Models for Today

One of the greatest needs today, is for churches to be healthy and multiplying. The Great Commission was given to the church to go and make disciples of all nations […]
The Power to Faithfully Remain in the Harvest

One of the most difficult things in life sometimes is to persevere even in the face of challenges. In church planting, there is a point where the honeymoon is over […]
Plant the Gospel and See the Church Planted

During the past two decades, there has been a growth in a surge of church planters. As I have coached and walked with church planters, I have realized that God […]
No Church Planter Is Exactly Alike

As we finished our three-month training with eight planters, the Lord reminded me that everyone had a “God story” and call. From a planter who is in rural Alabama and […]