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Celebrating a New Baby


We celebrate new babies in our family, as I am sure you do in yours.

On April 1, Renascent Church launched in the Mobile Baptist Association. A new baby church has been born into the Alabama Baptist family.

What a great birthdate! It was Resurrection Day, the day we set aside to celebrate the fact that our Lord is Risen Indeed! 

April 1 is also considered April Fool’s Day. One might conclude that it is foolish to start new churches in a state that already has 3,269 churches affiliated with the Alabama Baptist family. However, more than 2 million people in our state do not attend anyone’s church. Justin Hase, Renascent’s pastor of teaching, has heard us say, “Never embark alone.” 

Justin has been through our process of assessment, training and coaching. He has followed through at every juncture. He excitedly told me that he had around 50 people in attendance for his first weekly worship service.

We thank God, in advance, for the many people who will receive Christ and be discipled as a result of this planter and the Renascent family cooperating with Jesus in His kingdom.

For more information about church planting among and by Alabama Baptists, please contact State Missionary Lamar Duke (lead church planting strategist) at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 332, or (334) 613-2332, [email protected].

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