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Alan & Becca Ostrzycki

alan and becca

Lindsay Lane North

Elkmont, AL

Alan & Becca began planting Lindsay Lane North Church in Elkmont, AL in 2019 to reach the people of Elkmont and the surrounding area.
We are...
– A plant in the town of Elkmont with a strategy to be “in the community and for the community.” God planted the church as a mobile campus in the local high school, and now we celebrate being our exciting new permanent location
– LL North utilizes an “intentionally relevant” style of church designed to reach a growing number of those that are uninterested or disengaged from the church
Prayer Requests...
– Continued favor in our community, and the development and unfolding of our national and international mission strategy
– Vision and direction toward additional space needed to accommodate continued growth
– Efficacy in our leadership development strategy to steward toward continued growth

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