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Hispanic church in Huntsville celebrates one year, fruitful partnerships

Jon Hathcock presents Pastor Humberto Medina with a certificate celebrating Iglesia Bautista Familia de Fe’s first year of ministry.

Some years back, Humberto Medina planted a church in Louisiana, but he had the thought that one day God might move him somewhere else.

“We didn’t know where, so we were praying to go to Texas or Florida,” Medina said. “But then a friend invited me to come to Alabama, and I saw that this was a good opportunity to reach Hispanics.”

Now his new church plant in Huntsville, Iglesia Bautista Familia de Fe (Family of Faith Baptist Church), is growing — with nearly 50 attending worship each week. On Oct. 27, they celebrated their first anniversary and their seventh baptism.

“I’m so thankful for the support, because it is impossible to do alone,” Medina said.

Story of support

The story of that support began in 2020 when his friend Joshua del Risco introduced him to Dawson Memorial Baptist Church in Birmingham and their Spanish-speaking congregation, Congregación Hispana Dawson.

Those two churches had brought del Risco to serve as pastor of a new church plant, Iglesia Bautista Vida Nueva (New Life Baptist Church) in Fultondale. That partnership grew into a residency program centered on preparing Spanish-speaking pastors to plant churches around the state.

Learning and connecting

Del Risco now directs that effort, and Medina was the first one to take part in the program — he served on staff at del Risco’s church for a year before moving to Huntsville in 2023 to plant Familia de Fe.

“I was learning from him, and that was a good time to have more time with God and my family while we were waiting for the opportunity to move,” Medina said.

That time of waiting and learning also connected him with other resources and partners, such as University Baptist Church in Huntsville, which offered to host the new church plant in their facilities.

As Medina started making friends in the area and discipling people, he was able to pull them and others who were interested into a Bible study group in October 2023. In December, Familia de Fe held its first worship service.

“When I came here, I thought it might be too hard,” Medina said, noting that the influence of false gospels was pervasive in the Hispanic community. “But I prayed for God to provide people who are believers who are equipped with the word of God who can support us.”

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