How One Associational Missionary Assisted with Church Planting in His Association


Terry Long, who serves the Choctaw Baptist Association, shared with me several months ago that he was burdened about the need for an African-American church plant in his area.

After several conversations and a trip over to share with the leadership of the association, it is now becoming a reality.

While there, we toured the building where Terry has now begun a Bible study with four the first week and 14 the second!

Several churches and the association have already begun to give toward this effort.

A group from First Baptist Church, Prattville, linked arms with a local team to lead a mission Vacation Bible School in July led by Steve and Becky Marcereau.

Terry says, “Henry Blackaby was right: Just find where God is at work and join Him!

There is still a lot of work to be done in Choctaw County, such as finding the planter/pastor for this new church and getting him through the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions process for funding. This involves assessment of his readiness to plant, training, and coaching.

I cannot wait to see what the Lord will do through this new work in the future!

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