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Leaving Behind Their Beer Cans for Jesus

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In recent days, I have had the privilege to meet some of the most exciting church planters. One such planter is Shawn Jones, who is starting New Thing Empowerment Church in Auburn. His meeting location is just off the Auburn University campus.

Shawn is a part of a Gospel music group that has sung at many notable places, including the Dove Awards. Needless to say, they have rocking music. They have been meeting for a little over a year and currently run about 215 people in worship. 

He recently described to me that some Sundays when they begin to worship at about 11:15 a.m., their neighbors come out onto their front porches to hear the music. Sometimes they will even migrate to the front steps of the church building. He further explained that some Sundays they come outside to find beer cans on the front stoop of the church where people have left them behind to come inside and often receive Christ as their Savior.

Wow! What a witness! Shawn, may your tribe increase!

– Lamar Duke

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