Looking Beyond VBS

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As I traveled throughout Alabama this month, I saw a great number of signs for vacation Bible school.  After a couple of years of covid and adjustments in church outreach and ministry things seem back to normal.  Sure, in many churches and church plants there has been a decrease in attendance, and some have not returned, there are more lost and needy in our communities than ever before.  In God’s will we now enter a new time of ministry requiring a new phase of impact.

The gospel is needed more than ever in our communities.  The need to encourage the body, build community and re-engage our communities with the good news is vital.  As VBS happens this summer in your church what should be some next steps in God’s mission.  VBS provides a great time to ignite volunteers and build movement in the church, but that movement can be used by God to waken his church.

Some ideas for follow up could be: (Follow up should be a major focus for every significant event and ministry)

  • Celebrate – make sure to invite parents and kids back for a celebration party.  A ice cream connect or a movie night could happen as you give awards and recognize volunteers and kids a like.
  • Collect and connect – gather your new contacts and immediately lay out a next plan.   How many decisions to follow Christ were made?   How will kids be ministered to?  How can parents be included?
  • Establish – ongoing ramp access to ministries in the church.  Work with ministry leaders to connect with new folks… kids ministry, ESL ministry… 
  • Next – a back to school backpack drive for needy families could be way to re-engage the church in the community and give people in the community a next connect with the church. 
  • To the block – If you have a focused neighborhood or community where many new contacts originate work with a few and organize a block party there to bless the community with games and fun activities but also information on the church and the good news.
  • NEW – is a word that gathers attention.  New … after school program or Mother’s Day Out ministry.  New…. Allows for new leadership and connections.

Church planting requires an intentional process of engaging lostness and needs in your community.  God is calling his people to be salt and light in a needy world.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:16 CSB

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