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Only God Could Do This!


In May 2014, a church in downtown Gadsden, not affiliated with a local association, lost a number of members after a period of conflict. Daniel Woodcock, the young adult pastor, remained, along with around 70 senior adults. He was 30 years old.

In a moment of desperation, Daniel prayed to the Lord, “You must do something here that only You can do or just move me to where I can be a part of something like that. Those are your choices. In Jesus’ name. Amen.” His devotional thought for that evening was Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye first…”.

Daniel next reached out to Gary Cardwell, then the director of missions in Etowah Baptist Association, who pointed him to the State Board of Missions church planting office for assistance. Cornerstone Church was launched in the same location as the previous church on February 14, 2015, with 214 people present and Daniel as their pastor. They became members of the Etowah Association.

In August 2015, Daniel texted me that they had 289 on that Sunday. In January 2016, I received a text that they needed assistance with preschool and nursery equipment, as they had an abundance of young children. We were able to assist them because of the gifts of Alabama Baptists through the Cooperative Program.

Cornerstone Church has just celebrated their third anniversary with 312 people in attendance and one commitment to Christ.  They have had eight decisions for Christ to date this year already.

Only God could do this!

For more information about church planting among and by Alabama Baptists, please contact State Missionary Lamar Duke (lead church planting strategist) at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 332, or (334) 613-2332, [email protected].

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