Replanting a Church
Church planting is an exercise of faith to plant the gospel in a community, make disciples and congregate a group of believers that will grow together as a called out body of believers. Replanting the church in a community primarily happens when:
- The community around the church building has changed demographically.
- The existing small group of believers that is left cannot live out the gospel in their community in a way that is transforming the community.
- Leadership has left and new vision and leadership is needed for a dissipating body of believers.
For a new replant to happen the following Holy Spirit led pieces must be in place:
- Left over leadership of a hard-hit congregation must work to release a new leader and team to carry out anew the mission of God in a given community.
- A new leader/planter and team must be empowered to engage and plant a church.
- An external sponsor/support must be involved in carrying the work and assist the planter in moving the plant forward.
Phases in the development of a replant are like that of a plant but require adaptation especially at the beginning.
- Openness to change and consolidation of a master plan for transition.
- Building up of a replanter and his team and the learnings from the past church testimony/practices
- Assessment of the present community and the needs that are present
- Engagement in the community … to bring the gospel to bear in word and deed
- Harvest and gathering of believers and followers into discipling relationships and worship
- Establishment of a congregational worship service regularly with ministries to key designated areas.
- Equipping of disciples, growth of ministries and mission.
Key goals:
- The gospel engagement and saturation in the focus community around the replant
- Building up of new believers and development of discipleship groups/leaders
- Setting up of worship experience and accompanying ministries/structures that will bless the community and grow disciples
- Multiply disciples and sending out workers to the harvest