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Plant Alabama


Alabama Church Planting Residencies

“Preparing church planters for the grow of the church throughout Alabama and beyond”

Vision: Investing in the “hands on” preparation of church planters for needy gospel communities and peoples in Alabama with the hope of more effectively planting new churches in the mission fields.

Theory and strategies must be put to practice and a residency allows the planter to learn and gain vital understanding and formation.

Skills that are not present strengths in a church planter can be developed and grown.

Practical ministry experiences in all the areas of planting can be taken on in a secure environment prior to a church planter being out in front.

Residency will allow for the planter to have a mentor and coaches speaking into their life through a training process, one-one meetings, feedback sessions and strategic planning and building for the future.

A transformation process where an approved church planter needing growth and experience can gain key understanding, skills and perspective so that he can form an effective strategy and team so that a church planted in a needy community.

Diversity of Church Planting Residencies

ALSBOM church plantings network and partner churches and associations have come together to provide unique and comprehensive centers for the preparation of planters.

Residency Centre Requirements

Church vision and buy in for new residents to come in, be a part and serve.

Primary Trainer must complete Train the Trainer (NAMB)

Planter mentor (from an experienced church planter)

Administrative support – from the church or associational partner

Established – pattern and focus of ministry, space to serve and learn and logistical support

Pastoral supervision- monthly one on one with supervisor

External coach for each resident

What is a church planting residency center?

A residency center is housed at a church, church plant or association office where a qualified process of equipping, mentoring and practicum has been established for the preparation of planters over the period of a year before they go out to engage actively in planting.

A residency center is housed at a church, church plant or association office where a qualified process of equipping, mentoring and practicum has been established for the preparation of planters over the period of a year before they go out to engage actively in planting.

Church planter mentor – to weekly oversee and invest in a planter and their training.

Training through the 11 competencies of a church planter – NAMB system

A place where a resident can serve and grow in all the areas of planting… example: community exegesis, fund raising, visioning, preaching, prayer walking…. 

ALSBOM will qualify open centers who are ready for residents.

Each residency applicant must go through NAMB/ALSBOM planter assessment and be affirmed.

ALSBOM will contribute an extra year of monthly 1250 congregational assistance for the 12-month residency period.

Present Approved Residency Centers

The Well Network: Collegiate – Allen Tate 

Dawson Memorial:  Hispanic – Joshua Del Risco

Strong Tower – Urban/Multi-ethnic – Terrence Jones

I-10 Church: Hispanic – Ramon Vielza

For more information and assistance contact:

Residency Champion – Terrence Jones

Lead Planting Strategist – Brian Harper