Plant Alabama

Training Opportunities

To schedule, please contact us at 334.613.2220 or by email for information about the training opportunities listed below:

  1. Seeing Population Segments, not just Popular – It is often easy to see the need to plant churches due to population shifts in our society, but it is often much harder to see the unreached population segments that already exist in our State. Yet our task is to “make disciples of all peoples.” This presentation will help a church or association understand the need to search their community for unreached population segments, and then to reach them through Intentional Evangelism and church planting.
  2. Missions/Churches in Black Communities – To assist the associations in identifying locations and providing specialized training for planting and strengthening African-American churches.
  3. Church Planting Strategy for an Association – This presentation will guide Associational Missions Development Council (Missions Committee) in planning process to set goals for starting new churches/congregations. We can also provide demographic and lifestyle data for a association’s area. This ministry will help the association determine the need for a PROBE or other actions that will help reach the 40% of our Alabama residents who are unchurched.
  4. EPOCH: A Missionary Strategy for the Local Churches – Epoch is a process which empowers everyday Christ-followers to live as missionaries in their community, seeking to make disciples and establish relationship-based faith communities. Participants are led through a discovery phase which then could fuel Epoch training events. The goal is to help participants see that North America is a mission field and to discover principles in Scripture that define ways to minister in a mission. Field.
  5. The Challenge of Intentional Church Planting – This presentation will inform and challenge the hearers to take the next step in the journey of Intentional Evangelism: the intentional planting of new congregations in Alabama. One of the most effective ways to reach and make disciples of people for Christ is through the planting of new congregations. This presentation will demonstrate that church planting is an essential tool for Kingdom Growth in Alabama and it will also discuss specific steps for planting new churches.
  6. Why Church Planting – This presentation will enlighten those participants of the need and motivation for church planting to reach the unchurched masses in North American and specifically in Alabama. One of the most effective methods of evangelism in our day is the planting of vital, evangelistic, discipling, reproducing church within driving/walking distance of every man, woman, and child in Alabama in their won heart language.
  7. Where Do We Go From Here? – This presentation is designed to assist a church plant from eighteen months to five years into its life to be able to assess how they are doing as to owning the vision, values, focus group, etc. as a new church. This presentation is also helpful for plateaued and declining churches to determine a course of action to assist them in re-dreaming the dream.
  8. Demographics – Our office provides much needed information as to who actually lives in your church community, association, etc. This information is vital to knowing and embracing the needs for evangelism in your particular assignment of the kingdom.
  9. Probes – These are locally driven experiences, usually led by the association, to drill down deeper than just demographic materials to actually meet some of the segments of their population that represented by the statistics. Ray Bakke has said, “You can’t love someone you do not know.” The probe gives you the opportunity to know the people around you whom you may not have even noticed before.
  10. Alabama Church Planting Basics – This presentation is designed to be an appetizer (forty-five minutes to three hours) to the larger three day event where we train churches in how to plant a church from the mother church point of view. This event will dispel the myths and barriers often faced when your church discusses the idea of planting a church. It addresses the myth that we are too small, cannot afford it, will lose members, etc. This training will begin to address these challenges, but the fuller three day event will cover them in detail.
  11. Churches Planting Churches Training – This two and a half to three day training will address the Biblical basis of churches planting churches and will outline, in detail, a six step plan for making this dream a reality in your church from the mother church point of view. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn how your church can ‘get into the game’ of planting daughter and granddaughter churches from your own church. To our knowledge, this is the first training of this sort to be offered in Alabama.
  12. Alabama Churches Planting Basics – This is a forty-five minute to three hour appetizer presentation for the larger (sixteen hour) presentation of Basic Training Journey. During this presentation, you will be exposed to the major training components of what it takes to plant a church from the planter’s perspective.
  13. Alabama Church Planting Basics – This sixteen hour training will cover several key components as to what it takes to plant a church from the planter’s perspective. This training has been done in a two and a half day format. The planter and his core group/launch team will walk away with the skeletal structure of their master design for the plant.
  14. Planter Search Committee Training – This presentation is designed to train a search team who is looking for a planter to lead the proposed church plant in what to look for and how to go about the process. This training is very similar to pastor search committee training which is covered by another team in the Baptist building, but there are unique nuances in searching for a lead planter. This training is especially suited for a church that is sensing God’s leadership to mother church plant and would like to be trained in how to find the lead planter. It is also appropriate for a group that feels called to plant, but has no planter a month them at this time.