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Week of Prayer Sees Boom in Church Plants

A new Hispanic congregation in north Jefferson County holds its first service Sept. 9. It was one of four churches that had a kickoff service that day. A new church planted by the Hispanic congregation of Dawson Memorial Baptist Church, Birmingham, holds its first service at FBC Fultondale on Sept. 9. It’s continuing to meet every Sunday night at 5.

Lamar Duke says that if he could have every week go the way the Myers-Mallory Week of Prayer for State Missions went this year, he’d be dancing for joy.

“That entire week (Sept. 9–16) we had a red-letter week in church planting,” said Duke, church planting strategist for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM).

On the first Sunday of the week, four churches had a kickoff service. A new Hispanic congregation in north Jefferson County was one. (continued…)

Read the full article from The Alabama Baptist newspaper –

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