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Week of Prayer Update

Tim Milner, pastor of Essential Church, Huntsville is being highlighted today as part of the week of prayer for state missions and church planting here in Alabama. Check out the website to read his bio and watch his video.

New Worship Area During Construction
New Worship Area During Construction

As an update to his story I wanted to share what Tim recently sent:

We have some very exciting news as a church. We have a new building! It’s a more permanent building that we will be using as a launch pad to invade our city with the love of Christ. It’s a space we can grow into. It’s a space that we can get excited about. A place we can get excited about inviting our friends, neighbors, coworkers, family members and even strangers to. It’s going to allow us to have events at times in addition to Sunday mornings. It’s a space that our kids ministry can thrive in. We are excited!

Essential held their first church service in the new building on August 7 with the grand opening taking place on August 21.

Tim has asked that we continue to pray for God’s guidance, favor and blessing as he and Essential Church move forward with invading Huntsville with the love of Christ!

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