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Wisdom and Favor


The State Board of Missions has invested heavily in Essential Church in Huntsville, led by Tim Milner, through assessment, training, coaching, congregational assistance, start-up grant and rental assistance. These resources are made possible by gifts of Alabama Baptists through the Cooperative Program.

Tim recently returned to Alabama from Epic Church in San Francisco, Calif., where he served as their executive pastor for their first five years. He is a native of Huntsville and felt the Lord calling him back to his hometown to plant.

He recently shared with me that he thought he would not run into the same sort of folk that he dealt with in California, but has found many of the same needs in Huntsville. Tim said, “We’re praying that we would see God do something mighty in the lives of our people. Something we could only point to Christ and say, ‘He alone did this.’”

I want to share these specific prayer requests from Tim and invite you to join me in praying for God to do a great work through Essential Church. Here are Tim’s requests:

Please pray for two things, wisdom and favor.

Regarding favor, we need God to do what only He can do. Look at this from Acts 16:14: “One who heard us was a woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple goods, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul” (ESV). Please pray that we would have the favor of the Lord that will open the hearts of many in Huntsville to listen to Him.

Also in Acts, we see that Paul and Barnabas spoke in a way that many believed. Acts 14:1 tells us, “Now at Iconium they entered together into the Jewish synagogue and spoke in such a way that a great number of both Jews and Greeks believed” (ESV). Please pray that we would have the wisdom to PREACH, TEACH and REACH in such a way that many will believe in Jesus.

Thank you for joining us in praying for God’s Kingdom to expand in Huntsville.

To learn more about Tim and what God is doing through Essential Church, Huntsville, visit

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