Incongruence of Gospel Witness Today

In church planting and replanting today, there is a dominant focus on effectively sowing the seeds of the Gospel within the core community. Unless the Gospel is sown, there can […]
Praying for a Church Planter or Pastor

Over the last several years, I have especially had the privilege of praying for church planters on a regular basis. Church planting is a spiritual engagement in darkness – to […]
What It Takes to Make Disciples

In this season of returning to “normal,” maybe it is time to remember our commission and align our activity and focus on Christ’s mandate and priority for us. Over the […]
Training Disciples: Why Do Learners Not Change on the Pathway?

Over the years, I have had the privilege of walking with many followers of Christ as we seek to follow Him together and obey Him. In my praying and making […]
Church Planter Birthday Celebration

As I took the call from a planter in training who is already working and leading a small urban congregation, I did not know what the need could be early […]
Good News: The Essence Of Planting

As I visited a collegiate church plant – Church at the Oaks in Tuscaloosa – I was so encouraged by the number of students seeking to be disciples and make […]
Plant Alabama Vlog – February 2023

Church Planting – Returning to Our Roots

In the 1950s, there was a Gospel movement in Alabama and many community churches were planted. Baptist evangelists opened up revival meetings in new areas, and churches were started. New […]
The Complexity and Simplicity of Discipleship

Over the past week in facilitating church planter training on discipleship, I was once again challenged by the need to focus on making disciples. If the Gospel is planted in […]
Looking Beyond VBS

As I traveled throughout Alabama this month, I saw a great number of signs for vacation Bible school. After a couple of years of covid and adjustments in church outreach […]