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Church Planters’ Network Dinner

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It is not too early to make your reservations for a gathering of Alabama church planting “types” at the Alabama Church Planters’ Network Dinner on Sunday, November 12, 2017, 4:30-8:30 p.m., at Essential Church, 1806 University Dr., Huntsville. (This is the Sunday before two other key meetings in Huntsville: the Alabama Baptist Pastors Conference on Monday, November 13, and the annual meeting of the Alabama Baptist State Convention on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 14-15.)

This event serves as a family reunion of church planter “types.” It is really for any Kingdom-minded person. The cost is $15 for individuals, $25 for couples.

The speaker for this event will be Connection Pastor and Lead Church Planter Coach Tommy Duke of Calvary Baptist in Savannah, Georgia. He has served as pastor of churches in Georgia and Pennsylvania and planted churches in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Boca Raton, Florida. Tommy has more than five years’ experience of training, resourcing and coaching church leaders as vice-president of training for Church Leader Insights Nelson Searcy. Alongside Searcy, Tommy co-taught the Launch Conference to more than 500 church planters. Since 2014, Tommy has trained more than 150 men in coaching networks across Alabama. He and his wife, Amber, live in Savannah, Georgia. They have two children.

The schedule includes: 4:30-6 p.m., registration and fellowship; 6-6:30, dinner; 6:30-6:45, worship led by Darin Lightfoot; 6:45-7:15, inspirational message by Tommy Duke; 7:15-8:30, wives session led by Susan Lovett and planter/pastor session led by Tommy Duke; and 8:30, pick up of children from childcare provided by the Alabama Disaster Relief Childcare Unit.

For more information about this event or church planting among Alabama Baptists, please contact State Missionary Lamar Duke, lead church planting strategist, at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 332, or (334) 613-2332, [email protected].

Your gifts to the Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering help make this event possible.

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