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Plant Alabama

El Proceso

El Proceso

Hasta que todas las comunidades y pueblos tengan: un cuerpo en el cual puedan escuchar el Evangelio, compañerismo, crecimiento, y la oportunidad de ser enviados a las misiones


Dios está llamando a pastores, líderes, y obreros para que empiecen nuevas iglesias.


Cada plantador necesita el impulso y confirmación proveniente, tanto de la iglesia asociada como de la asociación misionera local.


1. En línea – Registrarse como plantador de Alabama en Comuníquese con Brian Harper, [email protected].
2. En persona – 8 entrevistas y recomendaciones principales (por Zoom y en persona).

Serie de Entrenamientos para el Plantador de Iglesias

En línea y en persona. Sesiones semanales durante 3 meses, que cubren 12 competencias (durante este tiempo los plantadores pueden presentar solicitudes de ayuda financiera para iniciar la obra, gastos de congregación y alquiler).

Adiestramiento (Coaching)

Adiestramiento mensual (persona a persona) para plantadores.  

Revisiones y ajustes anuales.

Al final de cada año calendario cada plantador que recibe ayuda financiera será evaluado.


Reuniones periódicas, eventos y picnic anual. Nuevo este año: Evento “Hora de Plantar”, residencias.

The Alabama State Board of Missions is excited about your interest in Church Planting.

Starting new churches has been called the “extreme sport” of ministry – a venture filled with great joys and tremendous challenges, and one upon which you should only embark with a clear calling from God.

Please find the tools, links and resources below to help you navigate the process of determining your next steps:

Is Church Planting a Fit for me?

Download Discovery Tools (PDF)
This resource will help you determine how God has shaped you and whether He wants you to be involved in Church Planting

How Do I Get Started?

Start Here
Begin the application & screening process right now.

What is the Overall Process?

10 Steps to Church Planting in Alabama
View a helpful video and step by step guide of your 10-step process to plant a new church in Alabama.

Where Should I Plant?

100 hot spots for planting churches in Alabama.

What if I Want to Plant Outside Alabama?

North American Mission Board Visit and select “Church Planting.”

How Do I Access Training for Church Planting?

Get in touch by contacting [email protected]

How Do I Access Coaching for Church Planting?

Coaching Networks
A recent study found that Church Planters who are assessed well, trained well and coached well have over an 85% success rate! To that end, we have partnered together with an experienced church planter and seasoned coach to provide a high quality coaching network to Alabama church planters in one of several locations around the state.

What About Bi-vocational Church Planting?

The Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions is committed to planting churches by all means necessary. That means that we’re supportive – even encouraging – of bi-vocational church planting. Not sure what that might look like, or how we can assist you in the process? Contact us to ask about resources, training and other tools available to help.

What About Planters’ Wives?

Download this excellent resource that can help! My Husband Wants to Be A Church Planter, So What Will That Make Me?

Church Planter Assistance

For church planters that are approved and trained in our ALSBOM church planting network we can provide the following assistance grants.

Church Planting Start Up – Initial grant to assist the planter in setting up for a gathering and entry into a community.

AV Assistance Grant – Upon site evaluation ALSBOM will help with the necessary AV equipment.

Congregational Assistance – The planter can qualify for monthly assistance that can go to staff funding needs.

Rental Assistance – The church planter can receive rental help for the first 2-3 years.

Other grants are available based upon need and qualification.

Congregational Assistance

1. Planter should meet with the Associational Missionary to secure endorsement (watch care or full membership) from the association for planting.

2. Planter should go to and click on PLANT A CHURCH to register as a CHURCH PLANTER.

3. NAMB will then inform the ALSBOM Church Planting office of the planter’s interest and request how to proceed. If the planter has had no prior contact with our office, he will be contacted for a pre-assessment conversation. If the planter has been in contact with our office he may be sent the application link by e –mail.

4. Planter should complete the application (approximately 10 pages) online, including four references.

5. Planter should encourage his references to respond quickly when notified by NAMB by e–mail (this sometimes slows the process).

6. Upon completion of application and response from references, NAMB will do background checks for the planter (both criminal and credit) and will notify our office of the completion.

7. At this point, you may be invited to participate in a two-day assessment retreat where multiple candidate couples will be assessed by trained counselors and experienced church planters. Other inventories will be required prior to this experience.

8. Upon completion of this assessment report, the planter will need to complete the appropriate ALSBOM application for congregational assistance (and perhaps other appropriate applications listed in step #9). These applications will then be considered by the Church Planting Task Force at our next regularly scheduled meeting.  A letter of endorsement from the Director of Missions and sponsoring church must accompany the application.

Other Assistance Available for New Church Plants

9. Other items provided by our office for church plants in addition to congregational assistance are: $5,000 startup grant, 25% grant (not to exceed $25,000) for purchase of property (as funds are available), rental assistance for meeting site may be available (as funds are available), Alabama Baptist Foundation may be able to assist with loans for first unit buildings. Visit our resource area for online applications.


10. Each funded planter and at least one additional leader is required to have attended Alabama Church Planting Basics before being approved or within 6 months afterwards.