Plant Alabama


The Alabama State Board of Missions is excited about your interest in Church Planting.

Starting new churches has been called the “extreme sport” of ministry – a venture filled with great joys and tremendous challenges, and one upon which you should only embark with a clear calling from God.

Please find the tools, links and resources below to help you navigate the process of determining your next steps:

Is Church Planting a Fit for Me?
Download Discovery Tools (PDF)
This resource will help you determine how God has shaped you and whether He wants you to be involved in Church Planting.

How Do I Get Started?
Start Here
Begin the application & screening process right now.

What is the Overall Process?
10 Steps to Church Planting in Alabama
View a helpful video and step by step guide of your 10-step process to plant a new church in Alabama.

Where Should I Plant?
100 hot spots for planting churches in Alabama.

What if I Want to Plant Outside Alabama?
North American Mission Board
Visit and select “Church Planting.”

How Do I Access Training for Church Planting?
Upcoming Alabama Church Planter Training
Training events that you can sign up for in the coming weeks and months in the state.

How Do I Access Coaching for Church Planting?
Coaching Networks
A recent study found that Church Planters who are assessed well, trained well and coached well have over an 85% success rate! To that end, we have partnered together with an experienced church planter and seasoned coach to provide a high quality coaching network to Alabama church planters in one of several locations around the state.

What About Bi-vocational Church Planting?
The Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions is committed to planting churches by all means necessary. That means that we’re supportive – even encouraging – of bi-vocational church planting. Not sure what that might look like, or how we can assist you in the process? Contact us to ask about resources, training and other tools available to help.

What About Planters’ Wives?
Download this excellent resource that can help! My Husband Wants to Be A Church Planter, So What Will That Make Me?