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Church Planter Profile

Terrence Jones came to Alabama to play quarterback for Tuskegee University. Although he did play quarterback for four years, the Lord had much more in store for Terrence than simply being a […]

Church Planter Profile

Anthony Potts serves as pastor/planter of Launch Point Church in the Colbert-Lauderdale Association. He is married to Holly, and they have three children. He began the church planting work three […]

Come Let Us Build

Faron Golden and his wife, Nancy, have been in ministry together for some 25 years. After more than seven great years in the last pastorate, when he resigned in September […]

Why, What and How of Church Planting

Church planting, a ministry of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, focuses on coming alongside the planter to assist him in the process of an effective church start. Ed Stetzer recently reminded me of what we learned from […]

Church Planting Assistance Available

Church planting assistance from the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions focuses on coming alongside the planter to help in the process of an effective church start. Ed Stetzer recently […]

Three Parts of Church Planting in Alabama

1. ASSESSMENT This area involves the process whereby we assist potential planters with application, background checks, instruments, interviews, etc., to hold a mirror up to ask them if they see what we see in them. […]

Why Church Planting is Important in Alabama

There are approximately one million Alabama Baptists in 3,286 churches across our state. Why do we need to talk about more churches? The answer may surprise you. There are just […]

Church Planting Opportunities

Your Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions has placed a higher priority on church planting in recent years. The Future Focus initiative approved by messengers to the 2012 annual meeting […]